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work steps

We are fast, cash-efficient, and reliable buyers in the state of Florida.

How Our Process Works

Forget the normal way of selling real estate. We make the process fast and reliable in three easy steps

Step1- Fill Out The Form

For immediate service simply fill out the form with your contact information and a few details about the home you want to sell. Once you complete that form, the Information is sent directly to the inbox , which is strictly confidential to protect your information.

Step2 - We evaluate the property in detail

Once we have analyzed the property based on the information you submitted, we will contact you to ask a few questions about the home and your expectations.

If we believe that we may be able to help you, we will arrange to view the property or possibly give you a cash offer range. Don't worry about the condition of the house; we are very interested in the potential of the house, and we don't care if it is clean or dirty, beautiful or ugly. We actually prefer ugly houses. The uglier, the better, because we like to do the work ourselves.

Whenever you think you are comfortable, we will visit your home. you don't even necessarily have to be there.

Step3 - Receive Your WIN-WIN Proposal

At this stage, we ask you questions and listen to everything you need from this deal. If affiliated homebuyers can help, we offer a WIN-WIN offer that includes an all-cash sale price, no repairs, closing date, and move-out date. How is that for fast? We can review all the details of the offer right away so that you are aware of everything.

At this point, there is absolutely no obligation for you to sell your house.

If you decide that the WIN-WIN Proposal works for you, we will provide you with a simple contract that specifies the price, closing date, and move-out date. After signing the contract, and when you are ready, We will meet at a concessionaire company to sign. At the closing, you will then receive a check that you can go and deposit immediately knowing that you made the right decision. Next step, move on with your life.

You've got nothing to lose, there is no obligation.

So, as you can see, the process is very simple. Start now by contacting us today for your customized WIN-WIN proposal!

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